Onima koji su u organizacijama odgovorni za portfelj projekata;
Onima koji rade u uredima za upravljanje projektima (PMO);
Izvršnim direktorima za upravljanje programima;
Funkcijskim i izvršnim direktori;
Svima koji su odgovorni za strateško planiranje i provedbu organizacijskih ciljeva uključujući stručnjake za unapređenje procesa;
Svima koji rade u okruženju većeg broja projekata te se suočavaju s problemima sukobljavanja resursa i prioriteta.
Na radionici će se polaznici upoznati s osam jednostavnih koraka koje svaki projekt-portfolio manager može koristiti bilo da je na samom početku bilo da nastoji unaprijediti proces upravljanja. Bit će govora o tome kako iskoristiti postojeće, često nepotpune podatke, o tekućim ili prošlim projektima za pokretanje poboljšanja pri upravljanju portfeljem.
Radionica je temeljena na konceptima opisanim u knjizi Advanced project portfolio management and the PMO, autora Kendalla i Rollinsa, a svaki polaznik će dobiti svoju kopiju knjige u vrijednosti od 59$.
Detaljnije o radionici možete saznati u dokumentu Advanced Project Management Portfolio.
Dva dana.
Seminar se izvodi na engleskom jeziku
Introduction to Advanced Project Portfolio Management
Participant and instructor introduction and expectations
Workshop objectives
Workshop structure – modules and approach
How project portfolio management is positioned relative to project management, the PMO and strategic planning
“Advanced” – what is new and important in portfolio management
Portfolio exercise – first try, debriefing, lessons learned
The Eight Step Process – Steps 1 to 3
Step 1 - Collect, report and complete the Project portfolio
Cost/Benefit analysis – Is the Project portfolio healthy?
Portfolio exercise – Second try, debriefing, lessons learned
Step 2 - Develop the Goal, Resource and Asset portfolios
Step 3 - Link Project, Goal & Asset portfolios & assess
Portfolio exercise – Third try, debriefing, lessons learned
The Eight Step Process – Step 4, Balancing the Portfolio
Portfolio balance concepts
Opportunity vs. risk
Market side vs. supply side
Research vs. development
Infrastructure or process vs. meeting current period goals
Short term vs. long term
Balancing allocation to the asset portfolio
Balancing across functional areas – what makes sense?
Step 4 - Assess portfolio balance
Portfolio exercise – Fourth try, debriefing, lessons learned
Multi-Project Management – Matching Active Projects to Capacity
Multitasking simulations
Staggering projects according to the strategic resource
Multi-project Critical Chain
Multi-project executive and management reporting
The Eight Step Process – Steps 5 through 7
Step 5 - Determine the organization’s project capacity
Portfolio exercise – Fifth try, debriefing, lessons learned
Step 6 - Suggest a prioritization according to accepted criteria / organization goals and capacity
Step 7 - Develop recommendations for accelerating projects / improving ROI
School example exercise, recommendations
The Eight Step Process – Step 8 – The Governance Meeting
Preparing for a Governance meeting – Submissions, what-if analysis, impact on existing environment, status of current portfolio
Operations planning and budgeting
Prioritization, Selection, finding and allocating resources, initiating
Deactivating / Terminating
Step 8 - Facilitate the governance meeting, Agenda
Pre and post meeting communications
Strategy – Choosing the Right Project Mix
Generic definition of a “good strategy”
Problems with current strategic planning processes
The connection between strategy, initiatives and the Project Portfolio
The starting point - identifying the supply chain constraint
Exercise – Correct initiatives based on supply chain constraint
The process to gain executive commitment to minimum projects
Moving from the supply-side to the market-side
Selling Executives on the Correct Project Portfolio Management Model
Recognizing the problem
Recognizing the executive role in the problem
Overcoming the resistance to change
Gaining necessary involvement, support and active governance
What Next? The Road Map to Ongoing Improvement
The Five Focusing Steps
Improving project portfolio performance
Cycle time acceleration
NPV per strategic resource unit, # of projects
Methodology – Quality and Risk
Pareto Principal
Six Sigma, Lean, TOC, Deming
Eliminating waste
Kurt Corthout, PMP, PMOC, Certified CCPM practitioner, Prince2 (Foundation)

Pogledajte i:
Teorija ograničenja (TOC - Theory of constraints) |